Climbing Aconcagua

Blake P
Climbing Aconcagua

So you want to climb Aconcagua do you?

Embarking on a journey to climb Aconcagua, the highest peak in the Americas, and the second highest of the Seven Summits, is a dream for many mountaineers. Situated in the majestic Andes mountain range in Argentina, Aconcagua towers at an impressive height of 6,961 meters (22,837 feet). In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the breathtaking beauty of Aconcagua, the physical and mental challenges it presents and essential preparations for a successful climb.

While some contend that Aconcagua is the highest trek in the world due to its non-technical nature, it is crucial to recognize that beyond the initial trek into the national park, the mountain assumes a formidable demeanor, often demanding significant mountaineering skills depending on the chosen route. Hence, throughout this article, we will specifically refer to the adventure as "climbing Aconcagua."

  • Discovering the Splendor of Aconcagua: Aconcagua offers a mesmerizing landscape that lures adventurers from around the world. As climbers venture through the Horcones Valley, they are greeted by towering granite walls and magnificent glaciers that envelop the mountain. Routes such as the iconic Polish Glacier, the captivating South Face, and the challenging Polish Direct Route entice climbers to explore the beauty of Aconcagua.
  • Physical and Mental Challenges: Climbing Aconcagua presents formidable physical and mental obstacles. Altitude sickness, extreme weather conditions, and demanding terrain test even the most experienced mountaineers. The high altitude with its thin air can cause symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. Proper acclimatization is crucial, allowing climbers to gradually adapt to lower oxygen levels.

Unpredictable weather, including freezing temperatures, fierce winds, and snowstorms, adds to the challenge. Mountaineers must come prepared with adequate gear and clothing to withstand these harsh conditions.

Furthermore, Aconcagua's challenging terrain requires physical strength and endurance. Scaling steep scree slopes, navigating crevasses, and crossing icy ridges demand resilience and skill. Proper training, including cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and hiking with a loaded backpack, is essential to build stamina and muscle strength.

Aconcagua Summit

Essential Preparations

Preparation is key to a successful Aconcagua climb. Here are crucial steps to consider:

  • Physical Conditioning: Begin training several months in advance, focusing on cardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, and swimming. Incorporate strength training to build core and leg muscles. Hiking with a weighted backpack simulates the demands of climbing and prepares the body for the altitude and challenging terrain. 
  • Acclimatization: Allocate ample time for acclimatization by planning a gradual ascent. Spending several weeks on the mountain allows your body to adjust to the thin air. Rest days at higher altitudes aid the acclimatization process.
  • Gear and Equipment: Invest in high-quality mountaineering gear, including insulated clothing, a four-season tent, a warm sleeping bag, crampons, an ice axe, and a helmet. Layering properly is essential to regulate body temperature in varying weather conditions. Check out our Aconcagua eqipment list here
  • Choosing the Right Guide: Selecting a reputable guiding service is paramount for a successful climb. Experienced guides provide vital support, navigate the mountain safely, and offer valuable expertise. Of course, you're already at the right place for that! Click here to compare guides for Aconcagua.
  • Permits and Logistics: Obtain the necessary permits and handle logistics, including transportation to the base camp and arranging mules for equipment. Familiarize yourself with park regulations and guidelines to ensure responsible and environmentally conscious climbing.

Climbing Routes

Aconcagua boasts several climbing routes, each with unique characteristics and difficulties.

  • The Normal Route, also known as the Northwest Route, is the most popular and suitable for climbers with moderate experience.
  • The Polish Glacier Traverse offers a challenging alternative, featuring steep ice slopes and crevasse crossings.
  • The Polish Direct Route is known as one of the most demanding routes. This route is for advanced mountaineers seeking an intense adventure.

Aconcagua Routes

When is the best time of the year to climb?

Choosing the right time to climb Aconcagua is crucial for a successful expedition. The most popular time to climb is during the summer season from December to February when the weather is relatively milder and temperatures range from freezing to just above freezing at higher altitudes. Longer daylight hours provide more time for climbers to reach higher camps. However, this season can be crowded, so booking in advance is recommended.

The shoulder seasons of November and March offer a balance between favorable weather and reduced crowds. November sees warming temperatures and fewer climbers, providing a serene experience. March marks the end of the summer season, with cooler weather and decreased climber numbers.

The winter season from April to September brings significant challenges due to heavy snowfall, high winds, and extremely cold temperatures. Winter climbing requires advanced mountaineering skills, specialized equipment, and experience in extreme cold-weather conditions.

Regardless of the chosen season, monitoring weather forecasts, consulting with local guides, and being prepared for sudden changes is crucial. Aconcagua's proximity to the Pacific Ocean leads to rapid weather shifts and unpredictable storms, even during the summer season.

The Summit Experience

Reaching the summit of Aconcagua is an unparalleled achievement. Standing atop the Roof of the Americas, climbers are rewarded with a breathtaking panoramic view of the Andean peaks stretching to the horizon. The sense of accomplishment and the awe-inspiring beauty make the challenges and sacrifices worthwhile. Having climbed it oursleves we can first hand guarantee that you will use everything you have to get up there! However when you summit, you will feel an incedible sense of achievement. Just remember, no matter how exhausted you are, after a descent to high camp for probably one night and then down to Plaza de Mulas base camp the next day, you will be rewarded with delicious food and drinks to refuel your body ready for the long trek out of the national park.

Safety Considerations

Safety should always be a top priority during an Aconcagua expedition. Consider the following safety measures:

Weather Monitoring: Stay updated on weather conditions before and during the climb. Sudden weather changes can pose serious risks, so being prepared and making informed decisions based on accurate forecasts is crucial. 

Hydration and Nutrition: Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is vital at high altitudes. Drink plenty of water and consume enough calories to fuel your body during the climb. High-energy snacks and meals that are easy to prepare at high altitude are recommended.

Team Dynamics: Climbing with a supportive and cohesive team is essential for a successful expedition. Effective communication, trust, and teamwork are crucial for navigating challenges, making decisions, and ensuring the safety of all team members.

Emergency Preparedness: Familiarize yourself with emergency protocols and procedures. Carry essential items such as a satellite phone, GPS device, and a first aid kit. Understand the symptoms of altitude sickness and other mountain-related illnesses to identify and address any potential health issues promptly.

Environmental Conservation

As responsible climbers, it is our duty to minimize our impact on the fragile mountain environment. Aconcagua is part of a protected natural park, and preserving its pristine beauty is crucial. Here are some ways to practice environmental conservation while climbing:

Leave No Trace: Follow the principles of Leave No Trace by packing out all your trash and disposing of waste properly. Minimize campfire impacts and avoid disturbing wildlife and vegetation.

Respect Park Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the park's regulations and guidelines and adhere to them strictly. Respect restricted areas and avoid any activities that may harm the ecosystem.

Support Sustainable Practices: Choose guiding services and outfitters that prioritize sustainable practices and support local communities. Opt for eco-friendly gear and equipment whenever possible.

Aconcagua Camp 2

Finding the Best Guides on ExpedReview

When it comes to choosing the right guide for your Aconcagua expedition, ExpedReview is your ultimate resource. Our platform provides in-depth reviews and ratings of top-rated guides, allowing you to make an informed decision based on the experiences of fellow climbers. From their expertise to their safety record, you can find all the essential information to select a guide that suits your needs and preferences. With ExpedReview, you can embark on your Aconcagua climb with confidence, knowing that you have the best guide by your side.


Climbing Aconcagua is an extraordinary adventure that demands physical and mental resilience. The mountain's magnificence, combined with the physical challenges it presents, creates an experience of a lifetime. With careful preparation, proper training, and the support of experienced guides, conquering Aconcagua is within your grasp. So, gear up, train hard, and let ExpedReview be your trusted source of truth for this remarkable mountaineering expedition to the Roof of the Americas.


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Location :
 6,962 m / 22,841 ft

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